
箱根パークス吉野 新着情報



夕食お献立 Standard Kaiseki dinner course menu. Last updated: 2JAN2024

夕食お献立 Standard Kaiseki dinner course menu.     Last updated: 2JAN2024

冬の季節の和食膳 Seasonal Washokuzen    MENU(Winter 2024)
前 菜 Seasonal Appetizer
Pressed sushi with salmon, Grilled chicken bar seasoned with yuzu-citrus pepper
Jellied Monkfish liver, Seasoned mustard spinach and beech mushroom with soy sauce
御造里 Sashimi   鮪、真鯛、赤烏賊
Tuna, Sea bream, Squid
小 鉢 Small Appetizer  
蟹味噌豆富と雲丹真丈 飛子、生姜、水菜、山葵
Fish Cake with Crab Miso, Steamed Sea Urchin dumpling,
Fish roe, Ginger, Potherb mustard, Horse radish
炊合せ Cooked food
Steamed Puffer fish milt and chinese cabbage dumpling seasoned with white sauce
Plum petal shaped wheat bran, consomme sauce
蒸 物  Steamed dish
蓮根豆富玉締め 特製割りポン酢
Black sesame chawan-mushi (steamed egg custard) with lotus root curd
Seasoned with ponzu (Japanese citrus vinegar)
焼 肴 Grilled Dish 
銀鱈の西京焼き 金柑密煮、はじ師
Baked Cod seasoned with miso sauce, sweetened boiled kumquat, Ginger
焜  炉 One-pot dish of sesame and soy sauce
生姜醤油鍋 鶏塩麹、きのこボール、松阪ポーク、榎、占地、葱、人参、白菜、水菜
One-pot dish seasoned with ginger and soy sauce
Chicken, Matsusaka pork, steamed fish paste dumpling, Mushrooms and Vegetables
*NOTICE* The pot will be very hot. Please use caution.
食 事 Boiled Rice 白飯
 *NOTICE*  Please wait 30 minutes after with a fire. It is ready for a further 10 minutes
 after disappear fire. Do not open the lid until completed.
留 椀 Miso Soup 赤出し汁 
香の物 Japanese Pickles 三種盛り  Two kinds of pickles and miso
デザート Dessert フランボワーズプリン、季節のフルーツ、黒豆カルカン
Raspberry pudding, Seasonal Fruits, Black beans cake

*The menu may have some minor changes without notice*
*Dinner only for plan-booking-guest only. (A plan ”dinner and breakfast included” only, prepaid )
*No menu adjustment request for vegetarian/Halal/Kosher/gluten-free/allergy-free, likes-dislikeness etc.
*dinner start:18:00/18:30/19:00/19:30 final start. 
 Arrival after 19:30 you will miss the diiner and cannot start dinner but non-refundable.

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箱根 パークス吉野


TEL : 0460-85-8111
FAX : 0460-85-5736
E-mail :info@pax-yoshino.com

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